Original Articles

  1. Gocho S*, Miyagi Y, Nakayama C, Miyachi Y, Okada S, Maruyama K, Oshima T.

    Comfort distance between patients and pharmacists during medication instruction: A prospective observational study at a cancer chemotherapy center.

    Neuropsychopharmacol Rep accepted 2024.

  2. Lu YZ, Nayer B, Singh SK, Alshoubaki YK, Yuan E, Park AJ, Maruyama K, Akira S, Martino MM*.

    CGRP sensory neurons promote tissue healing via neutrophils and macrophages.

    Nature 628:604-611, 2024.

  3. Mikeli M, Fujikawa M*, and Tanabe T.

    GPD2: The Relationship with Cancer and Neural Stemness.

    Cells Dev 173:203824, 2023.

  4. Toya A, Fukada M, Aoki E, Matsuki T, Ueda M, Eda S, Hashizume Y, Iio A, Masaki S, Nakayama A*.

    The distribution of neuroligin4, an autism-related postsynaptic molecule, in the human brain.

    Mol Brain 16:20, 2023.

  5. Sugisawa E#, Kondo T#, Kumagai Y, Kato H, Takayama Y, Isohashi K, Shimosegawa E, Takemura N, Hayashi Y, Sasaki T, Martino MM, Tominaga M, Maruyama K*.

    Nociceptor-derived Reg3γ prevents endotoxic death by targeting kynurenine pathway in microglia.

    Cell Rep 38:110462, 2022.

  6. Yamaguchi N, Kakinuma Y, Yakura T, Naito M, Okada S*.

    Glucose infusion suppresses acute restraint stress-induced peripheral and central sympathetic responses in rats.

    Auton Neurosci 239:102957, 2022.

  7. Matsuki T*, Iio A, Ueda M, Tsuneura Y, Howell BW, Nakayama A.

    STK25 and MST3 have overlapping roles to regulate Rho GTPases during cortical development.

    J Neurosci 41:8887-8903, 2021.

  8. Nakagawa K, Islam S, Ueda M, Nakagawa T*.

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress contributes to the decline in doublecortin expression in the immature neurons of mice with long-term obesity.

    Sci Rep 12:1022, 2022.

  9. Maruyama K*, Kidoya H, Takemura N, Sugisawa E, Takeuchi O, Kondo T, Eid MMA, Tanaka H, Martino MM, Takakura N, Takayama Y, Akira S, Vandenbon A, Kumagai Y.

    Zinc finger protein St18 protects septic death by inhibiting VEGF-A from macrophages.

    Cell Rep 32:107906, 2020.

  10. Sugisawa E#, Takayama Y#, Takemura N#, Kondo T#, Hatakeyama S, Kumagai Y, Sunagawa M, Tominaga M, Maruyama K*.

    RNA sensing by gut Piezo1 is essential for systemic serotonin synthesis.

    Cell 182:609-624, 2020.

  11. Julier Z, Karami R, Nayer B, Lu YZ, Park AJ, Maruyama K, Kuhn GA, Muller R, Akira S, Martino MM*.

    Enhancing the regenerative effectiveness of growth factors by local inhibition of interleukin-1 receptor signaling.

    Sci Adv 6: eaba7602, 2020.

  12. Yamamoto A, Matsumoto K, Hori K, Kameshima S, Yamaguchi N, Okada S, Okada M, Yamawaki H*.

    Acute intracerebroventricular injection of chemerin-9 increases systemic blood pressure through activating sympathetic nerves via CMKLR1 in brain.

    Pflugers Arch 472:673-681, 2020.

  13. Tachi M#, Yamaguchi N#, Okada S*.

    Thromboxane A2 in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus mediates glucoprivation-induced adrenomedullary outflow.

    Eur J Pharmacol 875:173034, 2020.

  14. Hagihara M, Kuroki Y, Ariyoshi T, Higashi S, Fukuda K, Yamashita R, Matsumoto A, Mori T, Mimura K, Yamaguchi N, Okada S, Nonogaki T, Ogawa T, Iwasaki K, Tomono S, Asai N, Koizumi Y, Oka K, Yamagishi Y, Takahashi M, Mikamo H*.

    Clostridium butyricum modulates the microbiome to protect intestinal barrier function in mice with antibiotic-induced dysbiosis.

    iScience 23:100772, 2020.

  15. Ikeda T, Kishikawa J, Hayashida Y, Fujikawa M, Yokoyama K*.

    Identification of chemical compounds as an inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthesis, leading to an increased stress resistance and an extended lifespan in C. elegans.

    Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenerg 1861:148281, 2020.

  16. Mikeli M, Fujikawa M, Nagahisa K, Yasuda S, Yamada N, Tanabe T*.

    Contrbution of GPD2/mGPDH to an alternative respiratory chain of the mitochondrial energy metabolism and the stemness in CD133-positie HuH-7 cells.

    Genes Cells 25:139-148, 2020.

  17. Ueda M, Matsuki T, Fukada M, Eda S, Toya A, Iio A, Tabata H, Nakayama A*.

    Knockdown of Son, a mouse homologue of the ZTTK syndrome gene, causes neuronal migration defects and dendritic spine abnormalities.

    Mol Brain 13:80, 2020.

  18. Yamaguchi N*, Mimura K, Okada S.

    Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP3 subtype in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus mediates corticotropin-releasing factor-induced elevation of plasma noradrenaline levels in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 863:172693, 2019.

  19. Yamaguchi N*, Mimura K, Okada S.

    GABAB receptors in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus mediate β-adrenoceptor-induced elevations of plasma noradrenaline in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 848:88-95, 2019.

  20. Ohta E, Itoh M, Ueda M, Hida Y, Wang MX, Hayakawa-Ogura M, Li S, Nishida E, Ohta K, Tana, Islam S, Nakagawa K, Sunayama T, Chen H, Hirata S, Endo M, Ohno Y, Nakagawa T*.

    Cullin-4B E3 ubiquitin ligase mediates Apaf-1 ubiquitination to regulate caspase-9 activity.

    Plos One 14:e0219782, 2019.

  21. Maruyama K*#, Takayama Y#, Sugisawa E, Yamanoi Y, Yokawa T, Kondo T, Ishibashi KI, Sahoo BR, Takemura N, Mori Y, Kanemaru H, Kumagai Y, Martino MM, Yoshioka Y, Nishijo H, Tanaka H, Sasaki A, Ohno N, Iwakura Y, Moriyama Y, Nomura M, Akira S, Tominaga M*.

    The ATP transporter VNUT mediates induction of Dectin-1-triggered Candida nociception.

    iScience 6: 306-318, 2018.

  22. Sano K, Morimoto C, Nakata M, Musatov S, Tsuda MC, Yamaguchi N, Sakamoto T, Ogawa S*.

    The role of estrogen receptor β in the dorsal raphe nucleus on the expression of female sexual behavior in C57BL/6J mice.

    Front Endocrinol 9:243, 2018.

  23. Kishikawa J, Inoue Y, Fujikawa M, Nishimura K, Nakanishi A, Tanabe T, Imamura H and Yokoyama K*.

    General anesthetics cause mitochondrial dysfunction and reduction of intracellular ATP levels.

    PLoS ONE 13:e0190213, 2018.

  24. Islam S, Ueda M, Nishida E, Wang MX, Osawa M, Lee D, Itoh M, Nakagawa K, Nakagawa T*.

    Odor preference and olfactory memory are impaired in Olfaxin-deficient mice.

    Brain Res 1688:81-90, 2018.

  25. Kanemaru H, Yamane F, Fukushima K, Matsuki T, Kawasaki T, Ebina I, Kuniyoshi K, Tanaka H, Maruyama K, Maeda K, Satoh T, Akira S*.

    Antitumor effect of Batf2 through IL-12 p40 up-regulation in tumor-associated macrophages.

    ProcNatl Acad Sci U S A 114: 7331-7340, 2017.

  26. Sahoo BR, Maruyama K, Edula JR, Tougan T, Lin Y, Lee YH, Horii T, Fujiwara T*.

    Mechanistic and structural basis of bioengineered bovine Cathelicidin-5 with optimized therapeutic activity.

    Sci Rep 7: Article number 44781, 2017.

  27. Maruyama K*, Takayama Y, Kondo T, Ishibashi KI, Sahoo BR, Kanemaru H, Kumagai Y, Martino MM, Tanaka H, Ohno N, Iwakura Y, Takemura N, Tominaga M, Akira S.

    Nociceptors Boost the Resolution of Fungal Osteo-inflammation via the TRP channel-CGRP-Jdp2 axis.

    Cell Rep 19: 2730-2742, 2017.

  28. Lee MSJ, Maruyama K, Fujita Y, Konishi A, Lelliott PM, Itagaki S, Horii T, Lin J, Kahn S, Kuroda E, Akira S, Ishii KJ, Coban C*.

    Plasmodium products persist in the bone marrow and promote chronic bone loss.

    Sci Immunol 2: piieaam8093, 2017. (Cover Picture)

  29. Okada S*, Yamaguchi N.

    Possible role of adrenoceptors in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in corticotropin-releasing factor-induced sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Auton Neurosci 203:74-80, 2017.

  30. Nakagawa K, Ueda M, Itoh M, Islam S, Tana, Nakagawa T*.

    Dietary Quercetin Ameliorates Memory Impairment in a Murine Model of Alzheimer’s Disease with Obesity and Diabetes, Suppressing ATF4 Expression.

    J Neurol and Neurosci 08:234, 2017.

  31. Maruyama K*, Kawasaki T, Hamaguchi M, Hashimoto M, Furu M, Ito H, Fujii T, Takemura N, Karuppuchamy T, Kondo T, Kawasaki T, Fukasaka M, Misawa T, Saitoh T, Suzuki Y, Martino MM, Kumagai Y, Akira S*.

    Bone-protective Functions of Netrin 1 Protein.

    J Biol Chem 291: 23854-23868, 2016. (Cover Picture)

  32. Martino MM*, Maruyama K, Stanger S, Satoh T, Takeuchi O, Muller R, Akira S*.

    Inhibition of IL-1R1/MyD88 signaling promotes mesenchymal stem cell-driven tissue

    Nat Commun 7: Article number 11051, 2016.

  33. Kuroda Y, Maruyama K, Fujii H, Sugawara I, Ko SBH, Yasuda H, Matsui H, Matsuo K*.

    Osteoprotegerin Regulates Pancreatic β-Cell Homeostasis upon Microbial Invasion.

    PLoS One 11: e0146544, 2016.

  34. Nakata M, Sano K, Musatov S, Yamaguchi N, Sakamoto T, Ogawa S*.

    Effects of prepubertal or adult site-specific knockdown of estrogen receptor β in the medial preoptic area and medial amygdala on social behaviors in male mice.

    eNeuro 3:e0155-15, 2016.

  35. Yamaguchi N*, Nakajima N, Okada S, Yuri K.

    Effects of aging on stress-related responses of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of male rats.

    Neurobiol Stress 3:43-51, 2016.

  36. Nakagawa T*, Itoh M, Ohta K, Hayashi Y, Hayakawa M, Yamada Y, Akanabe H, Chikaishi T, Nakagawa K, Itoh Y, Muro T, Yanagida D, Nakabayashi R, Mori T, Saito K, Ohzawa K, Suzuki C, Li S, Ueda M, Wang MX, Nishida E, Islam S, Tana, Kobori M, Inuzuka T.

    Improvement of memory recall by quercetin in rodent contextual fear conditioning and human early-stage Alzheimer's disease patients.

    NeuroReport 27:671-676, 2016.

  37. Ueda M, Li S, Itoh M, Wang MX, Hayakawa M, Islam S, Tana, Nakagawa K, Chen H, Nakagawa T*.

    Expanded polyglutamine embedded in the endoplasmic reticulum causes membrane distortion and coincides with Bax insertion.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 474:259-263, 2016.

  38. Wang MX, Itoh M, Li S, Hida Y, Ohta K, Hayakawa M, Nishida E, Ueda M, Islam S, Tana, Nakagawa T*.

    CED-4 is an mRNA-binding protein that delivers ced-3 mRNA to ribosomes.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 470:48-53, 2016.

  39. Maruyama K*, Fukasaka M, Uematsu S, Takeuchi O, Kondo T, Saitoh T, Martino MM, Akira S*.
    5-azacytidine-induced protein 2 (AZI2) regulates bone mass by fine tuning osteoclast survival.

    J Biol Chem 290:9377-9386, 2015. (Cover Picture)

  40. Ando K, Kondo F, Yamaguchi N, Tachi M, Fukayama M, Yoshikawa K, Gosho M, Fujiwara Y, Okada S*.

    Centrally administered isoproterenol induces sympathetic outflow via brain prostaglandin E2-mediated mechanisms in rats.

    Auton Neurosci 189:1-7, 2015.

  41. Fujikawa M, Sugawara K, Tanabe T and Yoshida M*.

    Assembly of human mitochondrial ATP synthase through two separate intermediates,  F1-c-ring and b-e-g complex.

    FEBS Lett 589:2707-2712, 2015.

  42. Hayakawa M, Itoh M, Ohta K, Li S, Ueda M, Wang MX, Nishida E, Islam S, Suzuki C, Ohzawa K, Kobori M, Inuzuka T, Nakagawa T*.

    Quercetin reduces eIF2α phosphorylation by GADD34 induction.

    Neurobiol Aging 36:2509-2518, 2015.

  43. Tsuda MC, Yamaguchi N, Nakata M, Ogawa S*.

    Modification of female and male social behaviors in estrogen receptor beta knockout mice by neonatal maternal separation.

    Front Neurosci 8:274, 2014.

  44. Yamaguchi N, Yuri K*.

    Estrogen-dependent changes in estrogen receptor-β mRNA expression in middle-aged female rat brain.

    Brain Res 1543:49-57, 2014.

  45. Kioka H, Kato H, Fujikawa M, Tsukamoto O, Suzuki T, Imamura H, Nakano A, Higo S, Yamazaki S, Matsuzaki T, Takafuji K, Asanuma H, Asakura M, Minamino T, Shintani Y, Yoshida M, Noji H, Kitakaze M, AsanoY, Komuro I and Takashima S*.

    Evaluation of intra-mitochondrial ATP levels identifies G0/G1 switch gene 2 as a positive regulator of oxidative phosphorylation.

    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:273-8, 2014.

  46. Fujikawa M, Ohsakaya S, Sugawara K and Yoshida M*.

    Population of ATP synthase molecules in mitochondria is limited by available 6.8-kDa proteolipid protein (MLQ).

    Genes Cells 19:153-60, 2014.

  47. Ueda M, Li S, Itoh M, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Wang MX, Hayakawa M, Hasebe-Matsubara R, Ohta K, Ohta E, Mizuno A, Hida Y, Matsumoto M, Chen H, Nakagawa T*.

    Polyglutamine expansion disturbs the endoplasmic reticulum formation, leading to caspase-7 activation through Bax.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 443:1232-1238, 2014.

  48. Maruyama K, Uematsu S, Kondo T, Martino MM, Kawasaki T, Akira S*.

    Strawberry notch homologue 2 regulates osteoclast fusion by enhancing the expression of DC-STAMP.

    J Exp Med 210: 1947-1960, 2013. (Cover Picture)

  49. Fukasaka M, Ori D, Kawagoe T, Uematsu S, Maruyama K, Okazaki T, Kozaki T, Imamura T, Tartey S, Mino T, Satoh T, Akira S, Takeuchi O*.

    Critical role of AZI2 in GM-CSF-induced dendritic cell differentiation.

    J Immunol 190: 5702-5711, 2013.

  50. Kondo T, Kobayashi J, Saitoh T, Maruyama K, Ishii KJ, Barber GN, Komatsu K, Akira S*, Kawai T*.

    DNA damage sensor MRE11 recognizes cytosolic double-stranded DNA and induces type I interferon by regulating STING trafficking.

    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110: 2969-2974, 2013.

  51. Sugawara K, Fujikawa M and Yoshida M*.

    Screening of protein kinase inhibitors and knockdown experiments identified four kinases that affect mitochondrial ATP synthesis activity.

    FEBS Lett 587:3843-3847, 2013.

  52. Nakamura J, Fujikawa M and Yoshida M*.

    IF1, a natural inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP synthase, is not essential for the normal growth and breeding of mice.

    Biosci Rep 33:e00067, 2013.

  53. Uchiumi F, Fujikawa M, Miyazaki S and Tanuma S*.

    Implication of bidirectional promoters containing duplicated GGAA motifs of mitochondrial function-associated genes.

    AIMS Mol Sci 1:1-26, 2013.

  54. Maruyama K, Fukasaka M, Vandenbon A, Saitoh T, Kawasaki T, Kondo T, Yokoyama KK, Kidoya H, Takakura N, Standley D, Takeuchi O, Akira S*.

    The transcription factor Jun dimerization protein 2 controls bone homeostasis and antibacterial immunity by regulating osteoclast and neutrophil differentiation. 

    Immunity 37:1024-1036, 2012.

  55. Maruyama K, Kawagoe T, Kondo T, Akira S*, Takeuchi O*.

    TRAF family member-associated NF-κB activator (TANK) is a negative regulator of osteoclastogenesis and bone formation.

    J Biol Chem 287: 29114-29124, 2012.

  56. Yamaguchi N, Yuri K*.

    Changes in oestrogen receptor-β mRNA expression in male rat brain with age.

    J Neuroendocrinol 24:310-318, 2012.

  57. Uchiumi F, Tachibana H, Abe H, Yoshimori A, Kamiya T, Fujikawa M, Larsen S, Honma A, Ebizuka S and Tanuma S*.

    Effects of Thujaplicins on the Promoter Activities of the Human SIRT1 and Telomere Maintenance Factor Encoding Genes.

    Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta 3:1000159, 2012.

  58. Fujikawa M, Imamura H, Nakamura J and Yoshida M*.

    Assessing Actual Contribution of IF1, Inhibitor of Mitochondrial FoF1, to ATP Homeostasis, Cell Growth, Mitochondrial Morphology, and Cell Viability.

    J Biol Chem 287:18781-7, 2012.

  59. Li S, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Itoh M, Ueda M, Ohta K, Suzuki Y, Mizuno A, Ohta E, Hida Y, Wang MX, Nakagawa T*.

    Olfaxin as a novel Prune2 isoform predominantly expressed in olfactory system.

    Brain Res 1488:1-13, 2012.

  60. Tsuda MC, Yamaguchi N, Ogawa S*.

    Early life stress disrupts peripubertal development of aggression in male mice.

    Neuroreport 22:259-263, 2011.

  61. Rak M, McStay GP, Fujikawa M, Yoshida M, Manfredi G, Tzagoloff A*.

    Turnover of ATP synthase subunits in F1-depleted HeLa and yeast cells.

    FEBS Lett 585:2582-6, 2011.

  62. Ohsakaya S, Fujikawa M, Hisabori T and Yoshida M*.

    Knockdown of DAPIT (diabetes-associated protein in insulin-sensitive tissue) results in loss of ATP synthase in mitochondria.

    J Biol Chem 286:20292-6, 2011.

  63. Kishikawa J, Fujikawa M, Imamura H, Noji H, Mitani S and Yokoyama K*.

    Expression of ATP sensor protein in Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Microscopy Research and Technique 75:15-9, 2011.

  64. Ohta K, Mizuno A, Li S, Itoh M, Ueda M, Ohta E, Hida Y, Wang MX, Furoi M, Tsuzuki Y, Sobajima M, Bohmoto Y, Fukushima T, Kobori M, Inuzuka T, Nakagawa T*.

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress enhances γ-secretase activity.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 416:362-366, 2011.

  65. Li S, Itoh M, Ohta K, Ueda M, Mizuno A, Ohta E, Hida Y, Wang MX, Takeuchi K, Nakagawa T*.

    The expression and localization of Prune2 mRNA in the central nervous system.

    Neurosci Lett 503:208-214, 2011.

  66. Itoh M, Li S, Ohta K, Yamada A, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Ueda M, Hida Y, Suzuki Y, Ohta E, Mizuno A, Banno Y, Nakagawa T*.

    Cayman Ataxia-Related Protein is a Presynapse-Specific Caspase-3 Substrate.

    Neurochem Res 36:1304-1313, 2011.

  67. Yamaguchi N*, Ogawa S, Okada S.

    Cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide synthase in the presympathetic neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus are involved in restraint stress-induced sympathetic activation in rats.

    Neuroscience 170:773-781, 2010.

  68. Okada S*, Yamaguchi N.

    α1-Adrenoceptor activation is involved in the central N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 640:55-62, 2010.

  69. Fujikawa M and Yoshida M*.

    A sensitive, simple assay of mitochondrial ATP synthesis of cultured mammalian cells suitable for high-throughput analysis.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 401:538-43, 2010.

  70. Ohta K, Mizuno A, Ueda M, Li S, Suzuki Y, Hida Y, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Itoh M, Ohta E, Kobori M, Nakagawa T*.

    Autophagy impairment stimulates PS1 expression and gamma-secretase activity.

    Autophagy 6:345-352, 2010.

  71. Ohta K, Mizuno A, Ueda M, Li S, Suzuki Y, Hida Y, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Itoh M, Ohta E, Kobori M, Nakagawa T*.

    Dysfunction of autophagy lead to activation of gamma-secretase through GCN2.

    Neurosci Res 68:E188, 2010.

  72. Yamaguchi T, Takada Y, Maruyama K, Shimoda K, Arai Y, Nango N, Kosaki N, Takaishi H, Toyama Y, Matsuo K*.

    Fra-1/AP-1 Impairs Inflammatory Responses and Chondrogenesis in Fracture Healing.

    J Bone Miner Res 24: 2056-2060, 2009.

  73. Yamaguchi N*, Okada S.

    Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in spinally projecting neurons are involved in CRF-induced sympathetic activation.

    Auton Neurosci 151:82-89, 2009.

  74. Yamaguchi N*, Okada S, Usui D, Yokotani K.

    Nitric oxide synthase isozymes in spinally projecting PVN neurons are involved in CRF-induced sympathetic activation.

    Auton Neurosci 148:83-89, 2009.

  75. Usui D, Yamaguchi-Shima N*, Okada S, Shimizu T, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K.

    Central bombesin activates adrenal adrenaline- and noradrenaline-containing cells via brain thromboxane A2 in rats.

    Auton Neurosci 147:33-37, 2009.

  76. Usui D, Yamaguchi-Shima N*, Okada S, Shimizu T, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K.

    Selective activation of the sympathetic ganglia by centrally administered corticotropin-releasing factor in rats.

    Auton Neurosci 146:111-114, 2009.

  77. Suzuki Y, Ohta K, Itoh M, Sakoh-Sumitomo Y, Mitsuda T, Ueda M, Hayakawa-Yano Y, Li S, Hida Y, Inuzuka T, Jung YK, Nakagawa T*.

    An alternative spliced mouse presenilin-2 mRNA encodes a novel gamma-secretase inhibitor.

    FEBS Let 583:1403-1408, 2009.

  78. Arai J, Okada S*, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Shimizu T, Sasaki T, Yorimitsu M, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K.

    Role of brain prostanoids in glucagon-like peptide-1-induced central activation of sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 35:965-970, 2008.

  79. Okada S*#, Yamaguchi-Shima N#, Shimizu T, Arai J, Lianyi L, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K.

    Role of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in centrally administered corticotropin-releasing factor-induced elevation of plasma corticosterone in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 587:322-329, 2008.

  80. Okada S*, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Shimizu T, Arai J, Yorimitsu M, Yokotani K.

    Centrally administered N-methyl-D-aspartate evokes the adrenal secretion of noradrenaline and adrenaline by brain thromboxane A2-mediated mechanisms in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 586:145-150, 2008.

  81. Okada S*, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Shimizu T, Arai J, Yorimitsu M, Yokotani K.

    Brain nuclear factor kappa B is involved in the corticotropin-releasing factor-induced central activation of sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 584:207-212, 2008.

  82. Yorimitsu M, Okada S*, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Shimizu T, Arai J, Yokotani K.

    Role of brain adrenoceptors in the corticotropin-releasing factor-induced central activation of sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Life Sci 82:487-494, 2008.

  83. MaruyamaK, Sano G, Ray N, Takada Y, Matsuo K*.

    c-Fos-deficient mice are susceptible to Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium infection.

    Infect Immun 75: 1520-1523, 2007.

  84. Sano G, Takada Y, Goto S, Maruyama K, Shindo Y, Oka K, Matsui H, Matsuo K*.

    Flagella Facilitate Escape of Salmonella from Oncotic Macrophages.

    J Bacteriol 189: 8224-8232, 2007.

  85. Shimizu T, Yamaguchi N, Okada S, Lu L, Sasaki T, Yokotani K*.

    Roles of brain phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C and diacylglycerol lipase in centrally administered histamine-induced adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 571:138-144, 2007.

  86. Yamaguchi-Shima N, Yuri K*.

    Age-related changes in the expression of ER-β mRNA in the female rat brain.

    Brain Res 1155:34-41, 2007.

  87. Yamaguchi-Shima N*, Okada S, Shimizu T, Usui D, Nakamura K, Lu L, Yokotani K.

    Adrenal adrenaline- and noradrenaline-containing cells and celiac sympathetic ganglia are differentially controlled by centrally administered corticotropin-releasing factor and arginine-vasopressin in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 564:94-102, 2007.

  88.  Fujikawa M, Katagiri T, Tugores A, Nakamura Y, Ishikawa F*.

    ESE-3, an Ets family transcription factor, is up-regulated in cellular senescence.

    Cancer Sci 98:1468-75, 2007.

  89. Ray N, Kuwahara M, Takada Y, Maruyama K, Kawaguchi T, Tsubone H, Ishikawa H, Matsuo K*.

    c-Fos suppresses systemic inflammatory response to endotoxin.

    Int Immunol 18: 671-677, 2006.

  90. MaruyamaK, Takada Y, Ray N, Kishimoto Y, Penninger JM, Yasuda H, Matsuo K*.

    Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand and Osteoprotegerin Regulate Proinflammatory Cytokine Production in Mice.

    J Immunol 177 : 3799-3805, 2006.

  91. MaruyamaK, Sano G, Matsuo K*.

    Murine osteoblasts respond to LPS and IFN-γ similarly to macrophages.

    J Bone Miner Metab 24:454-460, 2006.

  92. Shimizu T, Okada S, Yamaguchi N, Sasaki T, Lu L, Yokotani K*.

    Centrally administered histamine evokes the adrenal secretion of noradrenaline and adrenaline by brain cyclooxygenase-1- and thromboxane A2-mediated mechanisms in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 541: 152-157. 2006.

  93. Shimizu T, Okada S, Yamaguchi N, Arai J, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K*.

    Brain phospholipase C/diacylglycerol lipase are involved in bombesin BB2 receptor-mediated activation of sympatho-adrenomedullary outflow in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 514:151-158, 2005.

  94. Yokotani K, Okada S, Nakamura K, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Shimizu T, Arai J, Wakiguchi H, Yokotani K*.

    Brain prostanoid TP receptor-mediated adrenal noradrenaline secretion and EP3 receptor-mediated sympathetic noradrenaline release in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 512:29-35, 2005.

  95. Banno Y*, Ohguchi K, Matsumoto N, Koda M, Ueda M, Hara A, Dikic I, Nozawa Y.

    Implication of phospholipase D2 in oxidant-induced phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling via Pyk2 activation in PC12 cells.

    J Biol Chem 280:16319-16324, 2005.

  96. Nakamura K, Okada S, Yamaguchi N, Shimizu T, Yokotani K, Yokotani K*.

    Role of K+ channels in M2 muscarinic receptor-mediated inhibition of noradrenaline release from the rat stomach.

    J Pharmacol Sci 96:286-292, 2004.

  97. Shimizu T, Okada S, Yamaguchi-Shima N, Yokotani K*.

    Brain phospholipase C-diacylglycerol lipase pathway is involved in vasopressin-induced release of noradrenaline and adrenaline from adrenal medulla in rats.

    Eur J Pharmacol 499:99-105, 2004.

  98. Shima N, Yamaguchi Y, Yuri K*.

    Distribution of estrogen receptor β mRNA-containing cells in ovariectomized and estrogen-treated female rat brain.

    Anat Sci Int 78:85-97, 2003.

  99. Matsuda T, Fujikawa M, Haruki M, Tang XF, Ezaki S, Imanaka T, Morikawa M, Kanaya S*.

    Interaction of TIP26 from a hyperthermophilic archaeon with TFB/TBP/DNA ternary complex.

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    *corresponding author, #equally contribution


  1. Miyamoto S, Takayama Y*, Kondo T, Maruyama K*.

    Senso-immunology: the hidden relationship between sensory system and immune system.

    J Bone Miner Metab accepted, 2024.

  2. Fujikawa M, Ueda M, Maruyama K*.

    Role of Kynurenine and its Derivatives in Neuroimmune System.

    Int J Mol Sci 25: 7144, 2024.

  3. Kondo T, Okada Y, Saika S, Yamaguchi N, Hatakeyama S, Maruyama K*.

    Neuroimmune modulation by tryptophan derivatives in neurological and inflammatory disorders.

    Eur J Cell Biol 103:151418, 2024.

  4. Maruyama K*.

    Senso-immunology : the emerging connection between pain and immunity.

    Keio J Med 72:77-87, 2023.

  5. Miyamoto S, Kondo T, Maruyama K*.

    Senso-immunology : the past, present, and future.

    J Biochem 174:305-315, 2023.

  6. Okumo T*, Takayama Y*, Maruyama K*, Kato M, Sunagawa M*.

    Senso-immunologic prospects for complex regional pain syndrome treatment.

    Front Immunol 12:786511, 2022.

  7. Maruyama K*.

    Senso-immunology: crosstalk between nociceptive and immune systems.

    FEBS J doi: 10.1111/febs.15846. 2021.

  8. Takayama Y*, Derouiche S*, Maruyama K*, Tominaga M*.

    Emerging Perspectives on Pain Management by Modulation of TRP Channels and ANO1.

    Int J Mol Sci 20:3411, 2019.

  9. Larouche J, Sheoran S, Maruyama K, Martino MM*.

    Immune Regulation of Skin Wound Healing: Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Targets.

    Adv Wound Care 7:209-231, 2018.

  10. Maruyama K*, Takemura N, Martino MM, Kondo T, Akira S.

    Netrins as Prophylactic Targets of Skeletal diseases: A Double-Edged Sword?

    Pharmacol Res 122: 46-52, 2017.

  11. Martino MM, Briquez PS, Maruyama K, Hubbell JA*.

    Extracellular matrix-inspired growth factor delivery systems for bone regeneration.

    Adv Drug Deliv Rev 94: 41-52, 2015.  

  12. Maruyama K*, Akira S*.

    Emerging molecules in the interface between skeletal system and innate immunity.

    Pharmacol Res 99: 223-228, 2015.

    *corresponding author


  1. 岡田尚志郎、近藤一直、山口奈緒子、一瀬千穂、柳田俊彦

    オンライン薬理学ロールプレイを活用した医学部 2大学合同教育の実践と課題

    日本薬理学雑誌 158:1-4, 2023.

  2. 丸山健太


    実験医学 39:1239-1240, 2021.

  3. 丸山健太 


    Aging & Health 30:39-41, 2021.

  4. 丸山健太 


    ブレインサイエンス・レビュー2021 173-193, 2021.

  5. 丸山健太 


    BIOSCIENCE & INDUSTRY 79:34-35, 2021.

  6. 岡田尚志郎、山口奈緒子


    Clinical Neuroscience 39:718-723, 2021.

  7. 丸山健太 


    実験医学 38:3256-3258, 2020.

  8. 丸山健太 


    実験医学 38:388-395, 2020.

  9. 丸山健太


    THE BONE 33: 29-37, 2019.

  10. 岡田尚志郎、山口奈緒子


    内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 49:322-327, 2019.

  11. 丸山健太


    実験医学 36:3269-3270, 2018.

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    実験医学 36: 3269-3270, 2018.

  13. 山口奈緒子、岡田尚志郎


    自律神経 455:295-300, 2018.

  14. 丸山健太


    実験医学 35: 3245-3246, 2017.

  15. Fujikawa M

    波紋疾走 ほとばしる生命エネルギー

    生物工学会 92:191, 2014.

  16. Imamura H, Ando T and Fujikawa M

    Distribution and Dynamics of Intracellular ATP Level, and their Regulation

    生物物理 53: 20-23. 2013.

  17. 丸山健太、審良静男 


    新着論文レビュー DOI 10.7875/first.author.2012.155, 2012.

  18. 丸山健太、審良静男

    破血症の病態整理とPattern-Recognition Receptors  

    ICUとCCU  35: 361-366, 2011.

  19. Fujikawa M, and Yokoyama K

    Regulatory mechanism of ATP synthase in mitochondria

    実験医学増刊 27: 997-1003. 2009.

  20. 松尾光一、丸山健太、高田康成


    ホルモンと臨床 54: 757-762, 2006.

  21. 丸山健太、松尾光一


    エンドトキシン研究9 137-141, 2006.

  22. 岡田尚志郎、清水孝洋、山口奈緒子、横谷邦彦


    自律神経 41:411-415, 2004.

Introductory Articles

  1. Wong W.

    ssRNA stimulates Piezo1 and serotonin synthesis.

    Science Signaling “Editor’s choice” 13: eabe6325

  2. Beech DJ, Lichtenstein L.

    RNA and the PIEZO force sensor.

    Cell Res “Research Highlight” 0:1-2, 2020.

  3. Matute JD, Duan J, Blumberg RS.

    Microbial RNAs Pressure Piezo1 to Respond.

    Cell “Previews” 182:542-544, 2020.

  4. Buchhagen DL.

    RANK(L)ing Endotoxin Shock.

    J Immunol “In this issue” 177:3505-3506, 2006.
